
Recycling plays a paramount role in our future, and in the future of the Pavement Infrastructure Industry across America. DelSignore Blacktop Paving, Inc. offers Sustainable and Eco-Friendly pavement solutions. We can offer proven alternatives with recycled materials that raise quality, cut costs, and reduce the overall environmental impact of conventional asphalt paving construction.

Our principle is to increase awareness of the Environment, to provide solutions that will make it a better tomorrow for future generations. At its core, recycling provides return on the original infrastructure investment by using what’s already there. This allows us to cut down on material and hauling costs as the current asphalt pavement becomes the primary component in the new pavement base material. It also adds an Environmentally Friendly aspect to the process by not removing the pavement and hauling it off to a landfill. Through numerous successful projects, we have found better ways to improve and reuse Asphalt, which is 100 percent reusable and is one of the most recycled products in use today. The results are superior pavement sections at a much lower cost, the preservation of the environment and the added benefit of recouping your prior investments in the initial pavements construction.

  • Milling
  • Pulverization
  • Reclamation